The Final Countdown: My Fourth Week
Alright ya'll... So this week I cheated, but in my defense it was Christmas and they had cooked a huge ham. Who am I to say no to that? Prententious. That's what. So I ate the meat and I opened my presents and I went to bed feeling great. Suprisingly, I had no guilt really. I thought to myself: it was a couple slices of ham, the world isn't going to end tomorrow. But then remembered that it's that exact attitude that has gotten us to where we are now, and then I felt a shred of regret. Other than that I was on the straight and narrow! Even when I crashed my car, I resisted the urge to stuff my face with fried chicken to cope with the emotional trauma and instead channeled that energy into spicy hummus and pita chips (which is now my go-to crisis snack). I felt proud of myself, not only for surviving smashing my car into a tree but for sticking to my diet even when life got tough. This made me think more about the behavioral aspects of habit building, and what exac...